Thursday, June 6, 2024

Home and Travel

Hello all!  Are you having a good summer so far?  Ours has been a mix of good, not so good, and chaotic.  The good part is that our flowers, trees, and shrubs are blooming prolifically.  I'm guessing all the rain we got in the spring must have really helped out.  The not so good is that the weeds are also flourishing (as usual) and I just can't seem to get on top of them.  Also, we had to have repair work done on our practically-new refrigerator, and I've decided that things really aren't being made to last these days.  We're hoping the fridge truly is fixed because I love everything about it -- looks, layout, design, convenience.  In addition, we've just replaced a coffee maker which was just a little over a year old; it started leaking out onto our countertop.  Roseanne Roseannadanna is right, folks, "It just goes to show you, it's always something -- if it's not one thing, it's another." 😏

Former U.S. Coast Guard Station on St. Simon's Island  

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Middle of May

Hi all!  I hope you had a good Mother's Day.  I did, and I'm so very thankful for my wonderful son and husband.  I'm continuing to document (loosely) our lives here at Forest Manor.  I have spent a large part of the spring working in our yard.  Yesterday, I worked on removing weeds from our large natural area in the front yard, where I'm in the process of creating a flower garden.  I cut a few stems yesterday evening to enjoy in the house -- they're a sampling of what we have added to this area over the past three years.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Before The Month of April Is Gone...

Hello Dear Friends!  It's hard to believe that I haven't posted since the middle of February -- a Valentine's tablescape.  Good grief, I've let the time slip away again.  We have been busy, though, living life, and I'm thankful for that.  In February, we visited a friend whose husband had died unexpectedly during the Christmas holidays.  Then, the following week, we attended a funeral for a man that Hal had worked with for 30 years.  I think it's nice that people are referring to these occasions as "Celebration of Life" now.  Hal's co-worker had lived a life to be celebrated, for sure.  He was quite down to earth, but such an inspiration to so many people.  Both of these men died from cancer, which is another whole topic.  Is it just me, or is this dreaded disease becoming more and more prevalent?   
 In March, Hal and I took another calligraphy class; this one was held at the Sawtooth School for Visual Art in Winston-Salem, N.C.  

Monday, February 12, 2024

Valentine's Day With Juliet

This year I decided to set a Valentine's Day table with our wedding china, because even though I chose it many years ago, I still love it (just like my husband). 💘💟💕 The last two days here have been totally gloomy with very little sunshine, so the lighting isn't the best for these pictures.  In spite of that, I really enjoyed putting this table together, and I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

2024 Winter Products

Hi folks.  On occasion, I have shared some fun finds here that bring us pleasure in our home.  I'm not affiliated with any of these products, nor do I receive any compensation for talking about them on my blog.  These are just things I'm enjoying at the moment and thought you might be interested in them, too.  
First thing I wanted to share is this new-to-us milk we purchased this week at our local grocery store.  

Thursday, February 1, 2024

A Winter Tablescape

Hello there!  Happy February to you. 😊  I set a winter tablescape this January, thinking that I would try to set more pretty tables this year.  I really would have liked to get some pretty winter flowers at the grocery store for my centerpiece, but it just didn't happen.  Instead, I went with my standby of a pillar candle and hurricane globe.  

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

2024 So Far

Hello Friends, how has your week been?  Mine has been quiet -- and cold.  I wanted to share a few miscellaneous things with you all.     


Thursday, January 18, 2024

January, The Quiet Month

Hello Friends!  My first post of 2024, and we're over halfway through the first month of the year.  I mentioned at the end of last year that I want to be more active in blogging this year, and I still mean to do that.  I spent some time this afternoon putting together a wintry tablescape for January, which I'll be sharing within the week.  Apparently, I only did two tablescapes for the whole of 2023.   
How do you feel about the month of January?  I usually enjoy it.  The serenity of this time of year is welcome here after the hustle and bustle of the holidays.  I really do enjoy the quiet days and getting into a fresh routine for the coming year.  As much as I enjoy our Christmas decorations, it feels good to get the house back in order.  It's a restful feeling to have things back in their proper place, don't you think?  
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