Thursday, June 6, 2024

Home and Travel

Hello all!  Are you having a good summer so far?  Ours has been a mix of good, not so good, and chaotic.  The good part is that our flowers, trees, and shrubs are blooming prolifically.  I'm guessing all the rain we got in the spring must have really helped out.  The not so good is that the weeds are also flourishing (as usual) and I just can't seem to get on top of them.  Also, we had to have repair work done on our practically-new refrigerator, and I've decided that things really aren't being made to last these days.  We're hoping the fridge truly is fixed because I love everything about it -- looks, layout, design, convenience.  In addition, we've just replaced a coffee maker which was just a little over a year old; it started leaking out onto our countertop.  Roseanne Roseannadanna is right, folks, "It just goes to show you, it's always something -- if it's not one thing, it's another." 😏

Former U.S. Coast Guard Station on St. Simon's Island  
   I mentioned back in the winter that my in-laws sold the house at Oak Island; it sold in two days, which is about par for the course in North Carolina these days.  Hal and I decided we needed to visit some new places, so in the third week of May, we went to St. Simon's Island, off the coast of Georgia.  It was beautiful there, and we went at a good time; we were told that after Memorial Day the crowds would show up and it would be hard to get in the restaurants and get around the island.  We enjoyed our trip to St. Simon's and will probably go back sometime.  I'm keen on seeing some more new places, and I hope Hal is, too.  😊
On the subject of summer reading, our son gave me this book for Mother's Day, and I read it before we went out of town.  It was a good book -- interesting to read how poor families lived in post-war Naples, Italy.  However, I wouldn't necessarily call it a feel-good read.  Have any of you read this?  I'd love to know what others are reading this summer.  

In other news, I purchased new curtains for our dining room.  I've wanted to do this for a while, and I'm happy that I finally did so.  

Above are the curtains I had in here before.  They've been here almost as long as we've lived in the house, and I loved them.  I thought the lace was so pretty, but I decided after many years that I wanted something more than just a valance on this window.  However, I still love lace curtains, so I looked at getting lace panels that I could pull back.

The curtains came from this company.  The pattern is "Highland Rose."  It was hard to choose, and I spent a few days making up my mind, but I think the pattern is lovely and was more affordable than some of the others.  They don't come with tiebacks, so I found these holdbacks at Wayfair, and I'm also quite pleased with them.  I feel like the style suits our dining room well.

Do you like the look of lace curtains?  I've always loved lace curtains and have had them in at least one room everywhere I've lived.   
I desperately need to return to my yard work, but it's almost unbearably hot and humid this week.  What is the weather like where you are?  Thank you so much for your visit, and I truly appreciate your kind comments.  Have a great weekend, my friends!!


  1. The weeds are flourishing around here, too. And the birds seem to be nipping at the new shoots that I've planted. Sigh. Time to get the netting out. Our weather is rather cool, but sunny for the past couple of days after lots of rain and wind.
    I do love lace curtains, but I don't have any in this house. I like the long ones you've installed in your pretty dining room. The tiebacks are great!
    Have a good weekend, Denise. Thank you for your comment on my blog.

  2. I am waay behind on the weeds around here and there is only so much I can do before my lower back complains. Glad you found a new spot to explore and enjoy. I do like lace and your new curtains look nice. Hope all the appliance issues can get fixed!! No...they do not make things to last anymore.

  3. Haven't read the book but I'm loving the lace curtains!



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