Tuesday, January 18, 2022

January 2022

Are you having a good week so far?  How has your January been?  So far our week and our month have both been good.  We had a snowstorm here on Sunday, and the snow is still here.  We had what the meteorologists fondly refer to as a "wintry mix."  😏  There was quite a bit of wind, too, but we were very fortunate; we didn't have any damage and we didn't lose power.  We were able to stock up on food and other necessities, and I realize we're fortunate that we don't have to get out in this weather and drive on slippery roads.  If it was just snow, it wouldn't be much of a problem, but it sleeted on top of the snow for several hours, so there was a very slick glaze on the surface of the roads. 
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