Saturday, January 5, 2019

Holidays Are Almost Over

The sun has returned to our corner of the world today.  Of course, we knew it was there all along, right?  But sometimes lately, I think we've all had our doubts.  I truly don't mind a few rainy (or snowy) days, especially this time of the year.  The rain makes things that much cozier inside and makes me want to fluff the nest a bit.  :)  But the amount of rain we've had in 2018 just boggles the mind.  It seems that the eastern United States and particularly the mid-Atlantic states have all had a sopping wet year in 2018, but thanks to two almost back-to-back hurricanes in the fall, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia really got slammed.  Decades-old rainfall records were broken.  Read here to find out more.
Yesterday seemed like one of the dreariest days of all.  I'm not sure why except that it rained non-stop all day, and the sky never brightened until near sunset.  Soooo, I turned the Christmas tree on in the morning, and left it on until bedtime.  I thought I'd enjoy it one more time before we take it down.  I also took some more pictures because I realized that I hadn't taken any in the living room or foyer with all the candles "burning."  Sorry guys; I said in the previous post that those were the last of the Christmas pictures.  😏 
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