Tuesday, January 7, 2025

On A Cold Winter's Day

**I actually started this post on Sunday, and today is Tuesday.  We never got the snow I was hoping for when I started writing this, but there is still hope.  They are now forecasting snow for this coming Saturday.**  
It's Sunday afternoon, and we are having a bit of snow here, off and on (mostly off).  In the part of town where my mom, sister, and niece live, they have a few inches covering the ground already.  Hal and I have really hoped for a pretty snow this year, so we shall see.  It has been bitterly cold here for the last few days, for sure.  Is it cold where you are?  
Our son gave us a jigsaw puzzle for Christmas (750 pieces) and we started on it Friday night.  It's challenging!  We've got sections put together, but we've got a long way to go.  I thought I would share some of the things I've been reading lately.  

I just finished "Magpie Murders" yesterday; Hal gave it to me for Christmas.  It was a good read; I thoroughly enjoyed it.  My father-in-law watched the series on PBS, so we will probably watch it now that I've read the book.  I will be looking at some more of this author's books for sure.  I got several books for Christmas this year -- one of my favorite gifts to get.  

Our son gave me the Elizabeth David cookbook, as much for the historical context as for the recipes,

and ditto for "Tasting History," by Max Miller.  I love food, but I love history, too. 😉

My sister gave me the Ben Pentreath book, which I had on my Amazon wish list.  

My mom gave me the "Southern Entertainer's Cookbook," also on my Amazon list.  It has some wonderful-looking recipes inside.  

I purchased this book for myself with some of my Christmas money.  I already had the one about England.  These are such lovely books; I enjoy them a lot.  I've heard of people having to buy a bigger house for various reasons, but not often because they have too many books.  That is starting to be the case here.  We have so many books, but they are one of my great loves in life.  
In other forms of entertainment, we've been watching football, of course.  We always watch during football season, but not to excess.  By the time the Super Bowl is over, however, I'm ready to be done with football for the year.  The current thing we're enjoying is --

"Northern Exposure"  
Another gift from our son; he's heard me talk about how much I enjoyed watching this show when it was first telecast back in the 90's.  Hal and I are having fun re-watching these. 
And on YouTube --
"Tasting History" with Max Miller   

"How To Renovate A Chateau" with Phillip and Anna

Life in the Finnish Countryside with Sanna Vaara
Are you reading or watching anything good at the moment?  Have you seen any of the You Tube channels I mentioned?  I hope you're staying warm and cozy, wherever you may be.  Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful week!



  1. We watched the Magpie Mysteries and enjoyed them. That book on Scotland looks dreamy! We have way too many books here. I did some sorting and was able to get our Christmas gifts on the shelves, too. :) We visited Roslyn in the state of Washington and it was fun to see some buildings there from Northern Exposure. We like to binge on some of our favorites like Midsomer Murders and Morris and we've enjoyed Darby and Joan recently on either Acorn or Britbox. Happy New Year!

  2. I've watched some of Renovating a Chateau - such a lovely family. Books make the perfect gifts, I think. I received a few. Is the Scotland book published by Victoria magazine? It looks similar to theirs. We like watching Vera, Midsome Murders, and Shetland - the British do the best mysteries! I hope you get some snow. There's none in our forecast, just more rain and grey clouds. Happy New Year!

  3. I love this post! Everything is so beautiful! Yes, it's cold here in Central Texas, as well but no snow.

  4. I think books are one of the best Christmas gifts. Once all the hustle and bustle is over I love to curl up with a warm blanket and a stack of books. It looks like you have a wonderful assortment to enjoy.
    I spend a lot of time on You Tube, but am not familiar with the channels you have shared. I am going to check them out.



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