Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Just A Quick Word

Hello all!  This is something of a test post because my husband just added word verification to my blog.  I hope it will only be needed for a short while.  I'm okay with the New Blogger format, except for one thing.  The Spam Flagging/Security must be zilch at the moment.  Some pervert has latched onto my blog and is leaving the most disgusting comments.  I'm neither amused nor impressed, believe me.  I have my settings checked for only comments from users with Google accounts.  These ridiculous comments are all labeled "Unknown" so one would think they wouldn't be getting through, but they are.  Several a day, in fact.  I've always had Comment Moderation, and it's a good thing, because I'd hate to think these comments would be on my blog posts for the world to see.  Whoever or whatever is sending these obviously has way too much time on his/her hands.
I'm going to publish this now to see if the word verification shows up in my comments area.  Please bear with me while I try to get rid of this mess.  
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