**I actually started this post on Sunday, and today is Tuesday. We never got the snow I was hoping for when I started writing this, but there is still hope. They are now forecasting snow for this coming Saturday.** It's Sunday afternoon, and we are having a bit of snow here, off and on (mostly off). In the part of town where my mom, sister, and niece live, they have a few inches covering the ground already. Hal and I have really hoped for a pretty snow this year, so we shall see. It has been bitterly cold here for the last few days, for sure. Is it cold where you are? Our son gave us a jigsaw puzzle for Christmas (750 pieces) and we started on it Friday night. It's challenging! We've got sections put together, but we've got a long way to go. I thought I would share some of the things I've been reading lately.
Hi everyone! It's been a minute, no? Five months since I've posted a real post here on the blog. I've missed blogging and I've missed you. Our year got very busy in the last half, and then I kind of lost my blogging mojo. Writing takes practice, and I'm a bit out of practice.