Thursday, January 3, 2013

Looking Back

Over the last few days, I've enjoyed looking at everyone's recap of their blog posts for 2012.  I hadn't planned to do one, just for the sake of being perverse and not doing exactly what everyone else does.  I know, I'm peculiar that way.  :)

But then I realized that I have a second blog anniversary coming up in a few weeks, and I wanted to look back and see just what I've done since my very first post back in January 2011.  It was kind of fun to look through the archives -- kind of like looking back through a photo album or memory book.  Anyway, I decided to give a little recap of my top five posts for this past year.

In fifth place was "Mom and Dad's Porch," which you can see Here.

In fourth place was "Replacements Ltd., Part II."

The third place post was "My Mother-in-Law's Easter Tables."

The second most viewed post was "Pretty In Plaid."

And the most-viewed post for 2012 was "For the Birds."  You can see that post Here, and a follow-up post with more pictures of our wild birds Here.

As far as my personal favorites for blog posts, one of my recent posts, "Winter Concert at UNCG," happens to be one of my very favorites because it includes our son in the pictures.

  I rarely show pictures of him because I'm a bit protective that way.  He calls it paranoid -- I call it protective.  :)

I'm always gratified when people take time out of their busy schedules to read what I've written, and I'm pleased when they enjoy the pictures that my husband and I have taken during these past two years.  What I really find the most meaningful is the interaction that has developed between myself and other bloggers -- people that I've gotten to know online (and some that I've met in person).  Those of us in this rather large group of people scattered around the globe, who link to various sites every week to share our homes, decorating ideas, families, travels, recipes, crafts, etc., are one of the things I enjoy most about blogging.

What about you?  Is this a big part of why you blog -- communicating with others who share common interests via comments and e-mails?

Looking forward to seeing you in 2013!



  1. Absolutely, Denise, otherwise it becomes showing off and voyeurism (I've been doing a lot of soul searching on blogging lately!). If your first post was January 2010, then this would be your 3rd blogaversary?

    I am still thinking about the village incorporated into a tree. Do you know if the base was handmade or purchased? Thanks so much.


    1. Oh, good grief Barbara. Now you see why I'm not a math teacher. :) Thanks very much for pointing that out to me; I hate to have mistakes like that in my posts.

  2. That is exactly what drew me into blogging. I love the oddball invention of the "blog relationship". I love finding people who I would never have met any other way who have similar likes and hobbies and sharing in those likes and hobbies.

    I remember most of those posts. I probably should remember all of them, but I'm very forgetful these days!! That's a big plus with blog recaps. I get to see stuff I've forgotten all over again.

  3. I enjoyed seeing your favorites as I am somewhat new to your blog. I don't show my kids either. And I agree with you about blogging.. Sort of a new form of pen pals. Blogging is faster, more superficial than the longer letters of pen pal days, but more colorful too! Have you ever thought of printing your blog. I now do it every year and it has become a sort of journal of our lives for " posterity."

  4. We get along so well because I am peculiar too! :)

    Love the plaid post!

    Thank you for your vote my friend.
    May 2013 be a happy, peaceful and prosperous new year!

  5. The plaid post was one of my faves.
    I love the friendships that form from having a blog and visiting other blogs. It's a way to meet new people that you might have something in common with but may never meet otherwise because of location.

  6. Hi Denise~ It's fun to look back! I was surprised to actually see what my most viewed posts are, they were not what I would have guessed :) Thanks for sharing recap, it allows me to revisit and see what I missed! I SO enjoyed your Replacements posts! Your Christmas Replacements tour was one of my favorites! Wishing you a Happy & Healthy 2013!



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